Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Many New Members

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey then join by the lake for a clan meeting! Today many members have joined. Lightningkit, since you don't have a mother, Snowstar will be taking care of you. Willowblossom, you're a full member of Airclan. Boulderfur, Willowblossom's mate, you're a full warrior of Airclan. Scrochkit, son of Willowblossom and Boulderfur, you're a full member of Airclan. You're mother will be taking care of you. Ripplekit, you are a full member of Airclan, your mother will be taking care of you. Cloverpelt, you're a full member of Airclan. Skytail, you are also a member of Airclan. Featherpaw, you have been accepted for being a medicine cat apprentice and your mentor will be Sandfur. This meeting is over!"


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said... go there

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...
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★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Just a quick reminder, the Gathering is tonight!

The Warrior Gathering


Shadowclaw/Goldenpelt/Ashpaw said...

OK Silverstar. I'm not getting well timed. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

"We should find Tanglekit before we think about new cats," Breezestar growled angrily. "Her mother is still angry about her kit being lost. Who knows where she is now?"

Dora, Yah Like I'm REALLY Gonna Tell the Stalkers On the Internet said...

Hello, this is Fawnstar of RushClan. I would like to join AirClan as Fawnspots, a light brown bengal she-cat with light blue eyes. Can you join my clan as well? Thanks!