Sunday, July 19, 2009

Leaders Den

Come here to speak with the leader or deputy.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Join my clan at

Shadowfur said...

Breezepelt stepped into the den. She lied down and slept peacefully.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Do you me to tell people to join this clan?

Shadowfur said...

Yes please, Swiftstar.
(I said that because this blog was made by my brother and I want his to grow as much as mine.)

Shadowclaw/Goldenpelt/Ashpaw said...

Shadowstar woke up suddenly. "I'm gonna go to Swiftshadow and Breezepelt to tell them I still need more warriors."

IcePool said...

where do we join?

Shadowclaw/Goldenpelt/Ashpaw said...

Darkstar went to sleep and then found himself looking at Airstar, first leader of Airclan. Airstar spoke, "Bumbleclan and Pineclan are in great danger and they need the clans help. Go to Bumbleclan and tell the leader, Moosestar, that you must attack this Bumbleclan Hater. Airstar faded away and Darkstar woke up.

Airstar of Starclan/Darkstar of Airclan

Anonymous said...

Hey, you know about the Lightningclan thing? Could Sunpaw's mate be Mudclaw?