Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cat Upgrades

"Let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey then join by the river for a clan meeting! Today Breezepelt is going back to her post as second deputy, Snowstar will be back in her post as second leader, Sunpelt will be a senior warrior untill we need him/her. Firetail, Mudpelt, Birchleaf, Icepool, Feathershadow, and Skytail are now senior warriors. Boulderfur will be the head warrior. Scrochkit, Ripplekit, and Lightningkit are apprentices now; Scrochkit's mentor will be Specklespots, Ripplekit's mentor will be Sunpelt, and Lightningkit's mentor will be Skytail. All queens are now warriors. Meeting dismissed!"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...



Anonymous said...

Hi please join IceClan:

Shadowclaw/Goldenpelt/Ashpaw said...

Hi Swiftshadow!

Anonymous, please do not advertise here. If anything, advertise on one of the main posts.