Sunday, August 23, 2009

Clan Meeting

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join by the highrock for a clan meeting. Today Windfur's kits are 6 moons old, but before we give them their apprentice names, Windfur, for this day
on we grant you a full warrior of Airclan. Windfur!Windfur!Windfur!
Windfur! And now, Snowkit and Darkkit step up.
For this day on you shall be known as Snowpaw and Darkpaw.
Snowpaw, your mentor shall be me.
Darkpaw, you mentor shall be Windfur
This meeting is over."

1 comment:

Shadowfur said...

I am closing Dragon Warriors because nobody is commenting and I'm bored with it. Sooo...just telling you.